Weekly Top Ten - Soulful

It took a bit of time for me to decide the top ten today as there were so many different SOULFUL images that were striking in their own way. Thank you again to those who participated and congrats to the top ten this week! This next theme is Out of Focus or Movement. 

#1-Savannah Lutrell Photography

My favorite memories come my childhood, running around the woods with my cousins, so I felt this image was fitting to represent what is inside me, as I still love to be outdoors.


Hartwell Photography

"The eyes are the window to the soul"


Jessica Lee Photography

"Music is life, that's why our hearts have beats!"





Amber Corryn Photography


Jamie Nicole Photography

"Random moment caught over the weekend. I love pictures like this. There is so much of a story to be told. There is pain, memories, tears and so much more hidden in his eyes. A man that so many would just pass by or laugh at having no idea what his story really is. He was once a little boy like so many we take pictures of just running around, making his memories. We never know what life will throw at us, and I hope we all remember that we all started with hopes and dreams, and just because his may not have come true does not make him less of a person than us."




Gianna Grace Photography

"When I was a little girl I saw I saw Edgar Degas' "Petite Danseuse de Quatorze ". I was mesmerized. I knew I wasn't blessed with the gift of dance, yet I felt this strong connection to the art of dance. Now, as a dance photographer, I understand that connection. I was actually telling this story to this beautiful ballerina taking a break from a long shoot when I captured this shot. To me it captures two souls, the dancer's and the one who captures her soul; the photographer."



"This is my sweet girl, Bella, giving her flowers a hug. Melts my heart..."


K Dot Photography

"This is my fifth and final pregnancy. It's a bittersweet feeling knowing this will be my last baby. I'm trying so hard to just soak it all up."


Cherielle Raime Hill

"I haven't quite found my place in the photography world but I really enjoy a moody black and white and I love photographing my little girls. This girl here though, she's a compassionate and evergreen soul. She always takes care of others and helps them when they need it."

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Come spend the month of September learning how to process images step by step. This is the LAST bootcamp happenin' this year!

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