Weekly Top Ten - Goals for 2018 - ShopJeanPhotography.com

Weekly Top Ten - Goals for 2018

I am a huge believer in setting goals, so seeing the goals and shares of throughout the week was completely inspiring. 

Congratulations to this week's top ten and here is to making our goals happen this year! 

This week's theme is Shadows. 

Everyday Photography


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Upon A Time Studios

"Think more outside of the box."jackie jeans actions and tutorials

Made in His Image Photography

"{ D O C U M E N T } the simple, every day moments."lightroom presets

Melissa Butler Photography

"To get my tones and light right in camera." the best photoshop actions

Shannon Sutton Photography

"CONNECT: I want to connect with my clients better so my services can be made more personal. And find connections between them as well"

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Brittany Raynor Photography

"Expand! I want to expand my horizons and never be afraid to try new things."lightroom presets

Bree Friesen Photography

"Creativity : More photos of my kids"

the best photoshop actions

Penner Portrait Photography

{Beauty} "This year I am doing a personal 365 project- and the theme is "finding beauty in the everyday".

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T.Marie Photo

"To be more daring and spontaneous in work and play!"

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Lindsay Mack Photography LLC

"{PAUSE} & be present "winterize it

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